Bird-watching is one of the fastest growing recreational activities in North America. Our county is home to over 170 species of birds and some of the best bird watching places around. Some of the most notable bird species are the Short-eared owl, Rough-legged hawk, Northern Harrier, Upland Sandpiper, Henslow’s Sparrow, Killdeer, Bobolink, and the Eastern Meadowlark. Check out some of the best birdwatching spots below!

Washington County
The Washington County Grasslands is a 13,000-acre birding area rich with small woodlands, ponds and working farms. Although some of it is private property there is plenty of public land for you to bird-watch. This protected wildlife habitat supports almost a dozen threatened and at risk grassland bird species, and is full of abundant populations of grassland breeding birds and wintering raptors.
Popular Birds Found Here:
Northern Harrier, Upland Sandpiper, Horned lark, Eastern Meadowlark, American Kestrel, Peregrine Falcons, Eastern Bluebirds, and Savannah Sparrows

Gull Bay
Managed by the Lake George Land Conservancy, this 434-acre preserve is made up of two wetland swamps, old logging roads, and various hiking trails. in autumn, many migratory waterfowl rest here before their voyage south. It is home to a blue heron rookery for those wishing to see a great blue heron family.
Popular Birds Found Here:
Great Blue Herons and other waterfowl

Carter’s Pond Wildlife
Management Area
This protected wildlife area covers over 440 acres of fields, forests and wetlands. With a mile long trail to explore you can be sure to find many different bird species, bald eagles are even spotted here occasionally. Just around the corner from this preserve is the Livingston Brook Heron Rookery so you can swing by here too to see another blue heron rookery.
Popular Birds Found Here:
Canada Geese, Mallards, Black Ducks, Wood Ducks, and Hummingbirds

East Bay Wildlife
Management Area
This 38 acre bird conservation is full of marshes and other wetland habitats. It’s located in a narrow river valley that many waterfowl call home. As you walk along the mile long trail you will spot many different birds and see some other great wildlife as well.
Popular Birds Found Here:
Northern Harrier, Least Bittern, Black-Crowned Night Hereon, Pied Bill Grebe, Osprey, and Peregrine Falcon

Little Theater
on the Farm
Although this is private property, the owner invites all bird watchers to come any time of the day. It offers prime viewing for grassland birds all year. With a panoramic view of the country sides, it is one of the best spots to watch birds fly by. You can also enjoy a live concert here after a long day of bird watching.
Popular Birds Found Here:
Short-Eared Owls, Hawks, Northern Harriers, and many species of songbirds (like bluebirds)