Planning an event within Washington County? Whether it’s big or small, this simple checklist will help you make sure your event runs smoothly!


What’s your event’s timeline?

Ideally, all factors should be locked down at least 60 days in advance.

Are you & your event properly insured?

In the case of an emergency, appropriate insurance coverage is absolutely invaluable. Being underinsured puts you & your business at risk.

And don’t forget: all vendors at your event must also have insurance.

Do you have the correct food permits?

The best place to start is by contacting the local Health Department, who can help you figure out what (if any) permits you’ll need. Check with the Glens Falls District, who serves Washington County.

Will you be serving alcohol?

If so, you’ll need a permit from the NYS Liquor Authority, even if it’s only temporary. Be sure to account for other requirements due to alcohol, including special insurance, bathrooms and a fenced-in area.

Have you accounted for public safety?

Consult with the Washington County Department of Public Safety about your event from the beginning! This helps local police, EMS and fire services be prepared, and your attendees stay safe.

Do you require a mass gathering permit?

You’ll need one if you’re expecting over 5,000 attendees within a 7 hour period. And be sure to consider how your event will affect the surrounding area, such as road closures & amplified sound.

Are you providing enough bathrooms & sanitation?

Check in with the Health Department to ensure you’re complying with the rules regarding bathrooms. You’ll also require appropriate sanitation stations within a certain distance of publicly-accessible animal pens.

Have you notified cell service providers of your event?

They’ll need to accommodate for increased traffic ahead-of-time, so give your local providers a heads up!

What about your weird factors?

Consider it all! If you’ve got a mechanical bull, bounce house, bleachers – there’s a form on the Department of Labor website you’ll need to fill out before anyone uses that equipment.

Do you have contingency plans?

Account for everything that could go wrong, from mid-day rain to overflowing porta-potties. Then, make a plan to deal with them & save yourself a headache during a potential crisis in the future.


Add your event listing to the Washington County Tourism website for more exposure!